There are many reasons to have houseplants scattered throughout your indoor living space — from humidifying your air to act as a mood booster.

From snake plants to monsteras, houseplants have an enhancing power.

Houseplants have a long history with humans, beginning with Ancient Egyptians keeping decorative plants to potted plants in Ancient China. Throughout the 50s to now, houseplant varieties like pothos, monsteras, and ivy have become popular.

Still not convinced? I give you reasons to have houseplants below.

These Are My Reasons To Have Houseplants

  1. Humidify the Air — Keeping houseplants will add a slight humidity to the air, and any misting you do will also add to the home’s humidity levels. Your sinuses will benefit from existing in an environment that isn’t too dry.
  2. Remove Toxins & Purify the Air — Houseplants purify the air and remove toxins, including benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. Some plants NASA has identified as the best air-filtering plants include English ivy, spider plant, devil’s ivy, peace lily, and Chinese evergreen. Your houseplants will also consume carbon monoxide and give off oxygen, improving your air quality.
  3. Color & Brighten a Home Interior — Houseplants come in various colors and types and help give color and vibrance to any corner, shelf, and more. If it wasn’t for plants, I feel like my home’s interior would be much duller. I keep a lot of plants in my office area to beautify the space usually filled with cords and equipment.
  4. Mood Booster & Increased Energy — Plants will elevate your mood and stave off depression. It’s been shown that houseplants have a positive psychological effect on the body, reducing stress. There’s nothing better than being greeted by beautiful houseplants in the area you spend most of your time.

Each plant species has specific care needs, so be sure to learn more about the houseplant type you bring into your home so it has the best chance to grow and live successfully.

As a side note, make sure the plants you bring into your home aren’t poisonous to dogs or cats if you keep pets, as you don’t want to cause them harm or injury.

What are your reasons for having houseplants?