I’ll admit it. I had a serious problem. A crisis caused by my obscene addiction to electronic gadgetry. On a daily basis I would spend countless minutes untangling the giant wad of cables I kept stored in an office cupboard.

Though some scoff my previous inadequacy – I finally curbed the problem, with a unique yet simple method of handling cord messes.

Taming the Beast

The solution? Plastic sandwich bags!

The idea came by way of necessity, and a near nervous breakdown. Many had already suggested I keep all my electronic cables in an empty box – but the tangles only worsened, and as I mentioned before, I was growing a cord monster.

I liked the box idea, but it was lacking. Thus the reason for sandwich bags. It takes the box method one step further.

Follow these steps and you’ll have an organized, healthy looking box of cables in just a few short minutes.

1. Untangle and separate your cables into categorical piles. Extra phone cables go in one pile, GPS charger and connectors go in another, Bluetooth accessories in yet another, and so on.

2. Put each pile of electronic goodies into a separate sandwich bag. Some groups will require a gallon-sized bag, and this is perfectly acceptable.

3. Label each bag with a Sharpie. For myself, I marked the bags as “cell phone, GPS, bluetooth, printer cords, etc…”

4. Last but not least – put all your sandwich bags (which are now filled with cables) into a plastic/cardboard box. I keep mine in a plastic bin, which is then hidden in my desk cupboard.

Congratulations! You’ve domesticated the cable monster!

What’s Your Cable Storing Method?

Though not life altering – controlling cord messes helps create a tidier, less stressful workspace. There are many methods as to how consumers may store electronic cables and accessories, but hopefully my method may work for some.

Call me a neat freak, but for me personally – organizing my cables makes me feel right with the world. I can sleep better knowing my cords are sleeping safe in sound – in tight, comfortable sandwich packages. *can someone say – creepy?!*

Share with us your methods for controlling cable havoc!