Well, I can hardly believe it.

This is officially the 400th blog post published here at Steinsworth Digital.

It might seem like an insignificant number, but to me, it represents almost 300,000 words filled with personal experiences, information, worries, wants, and more.

I started blogging in 2006 at the age of 16 to connect with the dog sledding and working dog community, and I never stopped. I built websites that revolved around animal care and husbandry, shared my knowledge of web development, and moved into the world of client consulting.

Now, at 400 blog posts reached, it’s my goal to make it to the 500 blog post milestone by the end of 2022. Maybe a bit overzealous, but I’ll still be satisfied even if I’m short.

To celebrate this occasion, I found it appropriate to share some random tidbits about myself.

  • Brown & Purple Belts in Karate – For almost six years in my youth, I studied Isshinryu karate and earned my brown belt, and then moved to study Taekwondo. Eventually, I earned my purple belt in karate before stopping my studies in the sport.
  • Sent a Recipe to Martha Stewart – When I was about six, I was obsessed with Martha Stewart. I still am. I thought it was quite grand to eat strawberries paired with popcorn atop and called it a “good thing.” I had my mom take a picture of me with my creation, we sent it off to Martha, and she returned the favor by sending me a beautiful, signed portrait.
  • Related to Princess Diana, William Frederick “Buffalo Bill” Cody, and Louisa May Alcott – With a family who loves genealogy, we’ve found that on my mother’s side we’re related distantly to Princess Diana, Buffalo Bill and Louisa May Alcott.
  • Earned an Eagle Scout Award – I earned my Eagle Scout rank in the Boy Scouts of America at the age of 18 (the cutoff limit for achieving). I loved my time in Cub and Boy Scouts and learned many life lessons and skills I still carry with me today. With a recent jump back into camping, I’ve found I absorbed much from my scout leaders, from knot tying to knowing how to set up a tent properly.
  • Oldest of Five Boys & One Girl – I have five younger brothers and a baby sister. My baby sister is 20 years apart from me, and we have the same mom! Once she’s an adult, my mom will have ben raising children for forty years.
  • Sung on X-Factor USA and America’s Got Talent – In the early 2010s, I spent time as a voice instructor and explored the television circuit for singing. I made it to the top 100 on X-Factor USA and America’s Got Talent, although I received no air time for any of my performances for the judges.
  • Learned Clarinet, Guitar and Piano – In grade school, I learned the clarinet, guitar and piano, but it was only piano that I continued to practice and pursue further.
  • Played College Tennis – In community college, I was on the tennis team. Out of a team of 12 I was sixth, and not very good. But, I still had fun playing, and getting beat by other players often was a very humbling experience.
  • Bitterly Afraid of Heights and Sharks – I fear I’ll forever be afraid of both sharks and heights. I’m terrified of the big, open ocean, and as I get older, I become meeker and meeker when it comes to heights. I keep pushing myself to go on hikes with heights as a form of immersion therapy, but I’m not sure it’s working quite yet.

With this year flying fast, right on by, I feel it’s time to recommit to all the great things happening in life and push forward to make things even better.

There’s no stopping time, so the least we can do is stop fighting it.