The revised and updated edition of Be Our Guest is a book written by the Disney Institute with Theodore Kinni, and shares how to perfect the art of customer service.

Be Our Guest outlines the specific processes and practices The Walt Disney Company uses to ensure every guest who visits a Disney property or product is left feeling impressed, satisfied, and happy.

Setting off the tone of the book, it starts with “Always remember, the magic beings with you.”

Here are some of the lessons I learned from Be Our Guest:

  1. Onstage and Backstage — Having performed in the past at both Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure, I’ve seen firsthand how this approach is applied. Disney’s mentality is that you should treat your event or property as a show, and anything your customer can see, hear or touch is onstage — and serving your customers in person should be treated as if you’re onstage too. Anything backstage should not be seen by the customer, including props, resting employees, tools, and more. Components of setting include lighting, color, signage, surface textures, ambient noise and music, smell, touch, and taste.
  2. Delivering Magic and the Wow Factor — As part of defining its brand, Disney decided early on to bring magic to the table. From the moment a guest enters a park or sees a Disney movie, they are to be transported to a world of possibility, delight and excitement every time. To deliver magic, you must also have an obsession with details and make sure everything is presented perfectly and accurately every time.
  3. The Quality Service Compass — Central to Disney’s goals is always exceeding guest expectations, and the four points of the compass make this happen; guestology, quality standards, delivery systems, and integration. Guestology is understanding and knowing the needs and wants of your customer, including demographics and psychographics.
  4. Define Your Common Purpose — The Walt Disney Company reaches high success levels due to all employees having a common purpose. For Disney, their common purpose and service culture includes safety, courtesy, show, and efficiency.
  5. Guidelines for Guest Service — Highlights of Disney’s guidelines for guest service include maintaining eye contact and smiling when greeting guests, greet and welcome guests with favorable phrases, try and remedy problems and questions quickly before they escalate, display appropriate body language, appear presentable, and thank guests often.

To almost all, the Walt Disney Company remains a global force and example of impeccable customer service. Be Our Guest dives deep and illuminates the corners of Disney’s tactics in delivering their charm and magic — inviting all companies to join in the pursuit of bringing perfection to guests.