Sometimes it’s hard to find ways to stay positive during hard times.

Life strikes; a death in the family, you’re feeling unmotivated due to increasing age, lose your job, the car breaks. No matter the day, life can throw yet another difficulty your way at any time.

Although it can be challenging, staying positive through life will:

  • Increase overall health and wellness
  • Help you stay free of illness
  • Attract more friends
  • Add years to your life
  • Help you make better decisions
  • Reduce depression and stress

It’s worth it to pay attention to positivity. If you’re too negative, you’ll find your body negatively reacting.

Looking for Ways to Stay Positive During Hard Times

If you’re not feeling positive at the moment, it can feel like a fog in mind and hard to come up with a plan or next step — finding yourself in darkness, use the list below for ideas and ways to stay positive during hard times.

  1. Walk your dog.
  2. Have a cup of tea.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Read a book.
  5. Go for a run or visit the gym.
  6. Volunteer.
  7. Watch a funny movie.
  8. Declutter your home or office.
  9. Meditate.
  10. Turn your fears into motivations.
  11. Get lost in a video game.
  12. Find a new hobby.
  13. Drink enough water.
  14. Color or draw.
  15. Take a hot shower.
  16. Plant a garden.
  17. Play upbeat ambient music at home.
  18. List your accomplishments.
  19. Dance.
  20. Go camping in the woods.
  21. Get a manicure or pedicure.
  22. Train for a 5k or marathon.
  23. Smile.
  24. Laugh.
  25. Listen to a comedian.
  26. Brush and floss your teeth.
  27. Push away negative thoughts.
  28. Clean your house.
  29. Call a friend or family member.
  30. Go to church.
  31. Buy a new houseplant.
  32. Journal.
  33. Inhale and exhale deeply.
  34. Stretch.
  35. Put together a five-year plan.
  36. Cook a good meal.
  37. Improve your internal dialogue.
  38. Make a to-do list.
  39. Create a vision board.
  40. Hug someone.
  41. Sing karaoke.
  42. Thank people.
  43. Monitor job postings for available work if needed.
  44. Plan a trip.
  45. Help an elderly neighbor with their yard work.
  46. Stay grateful.
  47. Get a massage.
  48. Let go of criticism.
  49. Go to a restaurant.
  50. Make a snack.

Continually consider how thinking positively changes your life and actions, and you’ll notice a shift towards success.

How do you stay positive when times are tough?

Keep on the lookout for ways to stay positive during hard times, and you’ll find more opportunities pop up and take the day hour by hour and even minute by minute if you feel overwhelmed thinking about the future.

Life is a marathon, not a race.

Remember, many people are rooting for you and who applaud your life and efforts. Don’t give up. We can make it through life together — and work to be more positive every day!

Despite adversity, there is great power in optimism.

How do I stop being so negative?

It’s hard to stop being cynical, but my Grandmother always reminded me to list the good things in my life if I’m feeling unfortunate, depressed, or negative. Seeing the positives in your life listed physically on paper can give a significant mood boost.