Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters is a book by psychologists Alan S. Miller and Satoshi Kanazawa — sharing elements of the human experience and evolutionary psychology from dating, shopping, and praying to going to war and becoming a billionaire.

Alan S. Miller was a professor of behavioral science and Satoshi Kanazawa is an evolutionary psychologist.

Exploring human psychology — example by example.

In Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters, Miller and Kanazawa build and divulge information by sharing various examples and explanations. 

Some examples include:

  • Why rich men have more sons
  • Why diamonds are a girl’s best friend
  • Why prostitution is the oldest profession
  • Why baby has Daddy’s eyes
  • Why are almost all violent criminals men
  • Why are women more religious than men

All explain through the lends of human evolutionary psychology.

Ultimately, we find that we most often operate based on instinct, genes, and the need to reproduce vs. any other supposed reason for making a choice. We act on the eons-old impulse to find mates and produce — influencing our religions, jobs, preferences, and more.

Understanding Self to Be a Better Version

All in all — we are all united and related as a human species with tendencies that are more similar than we generally notice.

I personally have a very evolutionary and animalistic worldview, so the case studies included in Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters weren’t too drastic or dark for me to absorb. With such a simple, basic worldview, I also think it’s important to define purpose, as without, we are nothing elevated.

Again, personally, I’ve chosen value, positivity, and love for others as my purpose, which I believe gives direction, focus and a goal that’s lifted higher above the horizon. Yes, I believe we’re all just animals, and yes, I believe we should all suppose something greater and more.