When did you first use the internet?

I believe it was around 1998 or 1999 that I purchased my first computer.

How did you get involved in blogging?

To be honest, I wanted to become a better writer and was told that I could accomplish this through blogging. I never intended to become a blogger per se. Then, I realized that I had the ability to reach an audience with a series of articles I wrote and discussions that I created for another site.

What excites you about the internet?

The internet is a dynamic place that provides you with almost everything you need. Some days, I really hate to leave my chair or take my focus away from my computer screen. You can earn a living, connect with friends and family, and catch up on all your daily news. What could be better?

Apart from the web, what are some of your passions?

Well, as of late I don’t have very many as time is very limited. But, I would have to say that my greatest passion other than that directed towards people I love is traveling. That is something I really miss.

How do you believe online communication will change this year?

There will be more people making their living and trying to become the next “millionaire.” Of course, I also think that the number of bloggers is going to soar!

Tell us a little bit about DivaCafe.com

DivaCafe.com is a Ladies Networking Community. That is the “technical” description of it, but really only scratches the surface. Divacafe.com is a very new concept I think as a Community for Ladies. Most sites do not have the broad range that DivaCafe offers and that is something I am now seeing copied from my peers.

We are a free Community for all women and many charge huge fees and net very little in return. I allow women to really network in a responsible way and give them the tools to do so. We also hold conference calls to help our Women with their businesses and Virtual Parties.

Diva Café is also not just about serving business minded women as there are many ladies that utilize DivaCafe to find friends and feel a connection with other women. That is very difficult to do sometimes today as our lives are so busy.

What techniques have helped most in growing your brand?

I utilize all free advertising to help as well as Twitter and Facebook. I see so many people that are trying to build their business without using Social Networking. It is essential and if worked in the proper way will net big returns down the road.

How often should a blogger produce content?

If you don’t keep it fresh, they will forget about you as well as the added benefit that Google loves fresh content.

To keep the blog fresh I really feel daily. I am obsessive about adding content to my own site and realize that people have short memories. If you don’t keep it fresh, they will forget about you as well as the added benefit that Google loves fresh content. I have never forgotten that Content is King!!

How do you find happiness in life?

Happiness for me really is about giving value to other’s lives. I think that is why I am getting such incredible response lately to my blogs. If you are genuine and show appreciation towards others, you will not only be successful but also have a fulfilled life! I do have to admit that turning on the computer first think in the morning puts a smile on my face!

What are some of your favorite movies, and why?

Gone with the Wind- I think because it Is a lesson about lives wasted when there could have been so much happiness. Love that movie and saw it again a few nights ago.

Sleeping in Seattle- Love a good romantic comedy and of course who does not adore Tom Hanks.

Do you have any long-term goals and plans for yourself

I could say that I would like to make a million this year but without certain things in place that will not happen. My short term goal is to be the best that I can be. To reach out to as many people as I can and help them to prosper and grow as well. Networking is really all about helping others and then it comes back in a huge way! My short and long term goal for DivaCafe.net is branding it as the best Ladies Community and feeling as though it is equally deserving.

What piece of advice would you give to a newly established blogger?

That you remember you have an audience to appeal to and not just ramble on about your daily routine. Make the blog entertaining and engaging. You also have to be yourself and not try to imitate someone’s unique personality or you will fail. To try and give good content as well as keep the blog fresh with new content.

Also, try not to have a 500 word paragraph. I have seen so many bloggers who do not use paragraphs and this drives me crazy. Readers have short attention spans and will leave the blog.

About Dede

Dede Watson-has been developing websites for 4 years. She started with a dating site and relationship blog and in August 2009 decided that women needed a more effective place to network and created Divacafe.com.

She has also recently developed a site for moms called DivaCafemoms.com.