Most of us are born with a sweet tooth.

So after decades of indulging in high-calorie desserts, it’s not always easy to give them up completely. Instead, a healthier selection of sweet treats is a better option.

If you love to bake, it’s certainly not easy to put a stop to your favorite time in the kitchen either. Again, the best way to work around it is to use healthier ingredients rather than traditional ones.

With over 8% percent of the population, adults and children included, suffering from diabetes, and two-thirds of the population obese, the need to focus on healthier options is quite critical.

Here are a few alternatives you can consider.

Low-calorie sugar and honey substitutes

Although honey doesn’t contain any fat, it’s still high on carbohydrates and calories. So it doesn’t make a great sugar substitute. But there are many low-calorie sugar and honey substitutes in stores that you can use instead.

Applesauce instead of butter

You can substitute a substantial portion of the butter or oil in a recipe with applesauce, pureed banana or even prunes. It depends on your recipe, and you will need to try out a few permutations and combinations before zeroing in on what works for your recipe.    

Wheat flour instead of white flour

All-purpose flours are one of the biggest villains among our commonly used refined products. Most cookie and cake recipes take to wheat flour just as easily. You can include ingredients with more flavor to mask any difference in the batter.

Substitute chocolate with cocoa powder

You can use three tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder instead of an ounce of unsweetened cocoa. You’ll probably need to balance out your sweetener accordingly as well.

Egg whites rather than whole eggs

Most cakes can benefit from the aeration that comes from beating egg whites to a stiff peak. Since the yolk contains more fat and cholesterol, you’ll do well to skip using large quantities of it.

Low sugar toppings

You can start by replacing heavy, whipped cream with evaporated slim milk for chocolate toppings. You can also use fruits like berries and mango to make some great tasting sauces to pour over your cakes. You would also be using less sugar if you dust them over desserts instead of preparing frostings for them. Muesli with almonds and raisins also make crunchy toppings for custards.

If you are shopping for desserts at a grocery store, steer clear of products containing artificial flavors and coloring, high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils.

From homemade fruit popsicles to huge selections of tropical fruits, you can access all the healthy produce to adapt easily to a healthier lifestyle. 

Bakeries and cafes too understand the growing need for healthier menus and offer you a good choice of low-calorie desserts, you just have to look out for them and give them a try.