When blogging – there are many unknown tricks & tips available to aide in increasing traffic, subscribers & the ability to go viral. One of which I’ll be sharing today, which is releasing blog posts at the peak of your daily blog traffic.

The steps in order to accomplish this task follow.

The Simple Steps

1. Identify Peak Traffic – The first step in this process is figuring out what time of the day your blog receives the most traffic. This is where your blog analytics program will come in handy. Use this tool to identify the hour at which you get the most amount of visitors.

For my own blogs, the hour of peak traffic is generally 12pm PST. With this information in hand – I’m able to plan the release of my blog posts at the perfect time.

2. Post At The Perfect Time – The next step is the release of your blog post. After you’ve discovered your peak hour of traffic – I’d recommend posting your blog articles thirty minutes before that specific hour. This will allow for some leeway “padding” time in case of problems and/or troubles.

3. Promote & Connect – After your blog post has been published to your blog, use the time shortly after to promote that post like a crazed mad man/women. Tweet your new post, send it to Facebook, and whatever else you may be able to do in way of social media and connections. This is where the compounding effect of posting during your peak time will have a beneficial effect on your blog traffic.

Brick and mortar retail stores employ the same tactic. Before peak store traffic, they bring out the best displays, and increase customer service employees – in order to reap the largest rewards from their increased patrons.


As you begin to employ this simple tactic – study your traffic logs and perfect your publishing schedule. Over time you’ll develop a further refined blog, and harness the power of posting at the perfect time.