Underwater is a film that’s begged me to play it for a few weeks now.

Along with our AT&T fiber-optic internet, we also have HBO Max as an additional subscription benefit — and I’m always on the lookout for new, good movies to watch. For a while, the Underwater film tile has been featured highest on my HBO Max home screen, and I had to watch it finally.

I wasn’t let down.

Kristen Stewart’s character leads us through an Underwater horror.

A claustrophobic film about disaster striking a drilling station at the deepest depths of the ocean, Underwater will ignite fear in the hearts of anyone who’s slightly afraid of the sea.

Since almost drowning, I’ve had a pretty intense fear of the water and ocean from an early age — the sea, especially so, as I have an additional, uncanny fear of sharks and open, dark depths.

Although Underwater has classic supernatural and monster-focused horror themes woven throughout, it was the open ocean that scared me most. Add scenes where people nearly get stuck in tight spaces mixed with shots of evil, cold, open ocean — it was enough to keep my palms sweaty through the duration of the entire film.

At the end of the film, Norah Price defines her future.

Having fought for her life with immense internal grit, Norah Price (Kristen Stewart) gives herself to her crew to the end. When faced with insurmountable dread and abyssal diagnosis, we see that you can still do what you can with the tools at hand to make the best of your situation.

Whether seven miles below the ocean surface or facing your next day at the office — fight your hardest and burn down any obstacle in your way.

I won’t be diving to the deeps any time soon.