When I first learned about the five mother sauces, I became obsessed.

I was obsessed with their origin, uses, and why they are so crucial to cooking, and I wanted to know more about them in every way.

In classical French cooking, five sauces are the foundation of all sauces. These sauces, known as the “mother sauces,” serve as the base for many variations and derivatives used in various dishes.

If you’re interested in learning the basics of French cooking or want to improve your culinary skills, understanding the 5 mother sauces is a great place to start. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at these mother sauces and how they are used in cooking.

From the creamy béchamel sauce to the flavorful tomato sauce, these sauces form the foundation for many classic dishes. They can add depth and complexity to your cooking.

So let’s dive in and get to learn more about the five mother sauces of classical cuisine!

1. Béchamel Sauce

Béchamel sauce, also commonly known as white sauce, is made from a roux of butter and flour to which milk is added and cooked until thickened. It is a simple sauce often used as a base for other sauces or topping for gratins and casseroles.

2. Velouté Sauce

Velouté sauce, “velvety” in French, is made by adding a white or blonde roux to a light stock, such as chicken or fish. It is a versatile sauce in many dishes, from soups and stews to sauces for meats and vegetables.

3. Espagnole Sauce

Espagnole sauce, also known as brown sauce, is a rich and flavorful sauce made from a dark roux and beef or veal stock. It is many times used as a base for other sauces, such as demi-glace, or as a flavoring for braised dishes.

4. Hollandaise Sauce

Hollandaise sauce is a creamy and rich sauce made from butter, egg yolks, and lemon juice. It is generally served over vegetables, eggs, or fish. It is one of the components of the classic dish Eggs Benedict.

5. Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce is a versatile sauce made from tomatoes, onions, other vegetables, herbs, and spices. It is a standard base for pasta dishes, such as spaghetti and lasagna. It’s also favored as a topping for pizzas and other dishes.

Why not give the 5 mother sauces a try?

The five mother sauces of classical cuisine form the foundation of many French and other types of cuisine dishes. From the creamy béchamel sauce to the flavorful tomato sauce, these sauces provide the base for a wide range of dishes and various ways in the kitchen.

Whether you are a professional cook or just starting, learning to make these sauces is essential to your culinary repertoire. So why not try one of these mother sauces and see where it takes your culinary adventures?