A singing performance can be a major embarrassment if you forget the lyrics at any point of the song. To avert the awkwardness of the situation, you must know the lyrics well.

Here are some guidelines that can help you learn the lyrics of any song.

1. Visualize the Idea Behind the Song

Any song conveys an idea just like a story does. Form a visual picture of the impressions suggested by the song. Since the brain tends to think in pictures, your memory can relate well to the lyrics if you form a series of images.

The images should relate to each other. Try to get the images to follow a sequence. Random images will not help you learn the lyrics. On the other hand, an orderly flow of successive mental pictures will assist you in mastering the verses.

If the idea conveyed by the song is not clear, then get to know the implication of the verses from someone who knows about it. If this should prove difficult, form your own impressions.

It does not matter if the impressions you form are not accurate. The most important thing is to learn the lyrics well to reproduce them perfectly while performing. This approach may be especially apt in learning a song in a foreign language.

If you can connect the idea behind the song with an event in your life, then relating it can help you memorize the verses better.

2. Write Out the Verses

Just as writing out text can help you master your academic studies, writing out the song may help you learn the verses better.

Sing out the song aloud while you write it. You must utter each word exactly the same time you take for writing it down. This will help you to take note of the idea behind the phrases and sentences of the song.

Keep copies of the song at various places where you can easily access them. These copies will help you remember that you need to practice as often as you can.

3. Listen to the Song Often

The easy availability of portable music devices and the latest technology has made listening to any song very easy. Play the song and listen to it as often as you can.

In general, try to hear the whole song every time you play it and not listen to the song’s snatches. However, if you have difficulty in remembering particular parts, then replay the specific verses and listen carefully until you get them perfect.

4. Sing Along

Sing along while you listen to the song each time. Turn off your music system and sing once more.

5. Break into Small Parts

If the verses are long and particularly difficult to learn, break it up into manageable portions. Try to learn each part completely before progressing to the next portion or stanza.

6. Get Others to Participate

You can give out copies of the song to your family members and friends and ask them to sing along with you when you practice. This can help you make the learning process actually enjoyable.