Many people go to the gym and work out for hours to keep their body fit and healthy. But how many really take care of their voice?

If you are a singer, it becomes even more critical that you take excellent care of your chief asset – your voice.

As a singer, you have no regular income source; you have to be ready to sing whenever the opportunity presents itself. It is therefore essential that you take outstanding care of your singing voice.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is good for your health, but it is particularly important to maintain proper levels of body fluid for a singer.

Proper body fluid levels ensure that your vocal cords remain lubricated and function well.

Stay Relaxed

You need to stay calm and relaxed at all times.

If you are the sort who panics at the slightest provocation, it will surely affect your voice. When you are worried or tense, the neck and shoulders contract muscles and this tension can prevent you from singing freely and well.

So make sure you remain relaxed at all times if you want to sing well.

Stay Warm

Keep your neck and chest warm and humid at all times.

This will help keep your throat and your vocal cords clear of mucous, well lubricated and relaxed. We all know that a virus causes the flu, but you as a singer should not wait for the virus to attack. Catching the flu will not just put you down for a few days; it can affect your voice for a long time.

Get a scarf and wear it at all times in all weathers and at all places. Invest in a humidifier and use it at least once a day to make your home and room humid.

Stay Dust Free

Keep your home and surroundings free of dust and mites.

If possible, keep away from gardens and beaches. The pollen and sand can affect your throat and hence your voice.

If you do have to go to the beach or garden, make sure you gargle well when you return and get rid of all the grit in your throat.

Stay Healthy

Avoid falling sick as much as possible.

Avoid contact with sick people and places where you are likely to be infected. Keeping your mind and body healthy will keep you relaxed and in a calm frame of mind.

It will also keep your vocal cords healthy and clean.

Be Smart

Adopt smart practices. Take vocal naps.

Go for brief periods without talking to anyone. When you do talk, speak softly without straining yourself. Never shout – it doesn’t help anyway. 

Quit smoking, drinking alcohol and any other vice you may have. 

Stay quiet when you are ill. If your body is ailing, talking will only strain it more and worsen the problem. Practice some form of meditation like yoga. Take a day off for every three or four days of singing.