It’s overwhelming to think of using Facebook to promote your music albums, shows, and more, but you can accomplish a lot if approached in smaller chunks.

I suggest planning your Facebook posts weekly and/or monthly. By writing as many as you can ahead of time, you’ll only have to be on Facebook 10-15 minutes or so a day to post and reply to any postings from your fans and interact with other companies.

Try to keep the posts between one and four sentences long. If they’re too long people won’t read them.

Facebook isn’t as “quick” as Twitter and you don’t need to post nearly as often to reach the same, if not a greater, number of people. Seven per week are recommended, with an absolute maximum of 3/day for 90% of companies.

Think quality not necessarily quantity because fans can be easily overwhelmed and if you post too much they’ll either ignore you or think you’re spamming them. What you share is almost as important as how you share it; if you’re sharing in a way that’s offensive, short (aka rude) or un-informational (or over-informational), your fans won’t bother clicking or reading.  

While I always try to give you completely accurate information, it’s important that you know what FB’s terms and conditions are for your page and posted content, especially as they change frequently (and FB doesn’t tell anyone).

With the way that Facebook pages work, you can comment on pages with your page.

Using your Facebook page to comment on other pages is a great way to connect with other (local) business owners and raise awareness about your company (if you don’t know how this works, ask me!).

The more you connect with other pages and people the quicker you will build your fan count authentically.

To get more fans and be successful on Facebook you have to:

  1. Share great content that’s relevant and interesting.
  2. Connect regularly with other pages and their fans (see point directly above).
  3. Have a link to your page (not (just) a “like” button) on your website.
  4. Include a link that goes to your page in your newsletter or on your blog if you have them.
  5. Use boosted posts and ads to get your content seen by more of your fans. However, all others are pointless if you don’t share good content (#1).

Fill out the “about” page on Facebook to better tell people who you are, what you offer and what you do. You should share 2-4 paragraphs of information about your page and who you are as a business.

Eight recommended topics.

1. Share Inspiration

Each week share some of the inspiration you’re feeling.

It could be lyrics from a song on the radio/YouTube, a video of a great song, an inspiring story you heard, someone doing something great in the world, a cool project, a fashion brand with a great cause, or anything else that inspires your music or you personally, or would inspire your fans. If you share a video, don’t just post the video or link share a sentence or two about it also.

You can also ask your fans what they’re inspired by that week.

2. Ask Questions

You can ask any questions like:
What’s your favorite Lady Gaga song?
Which rock song is your favorite right now?
Who is the best female artist?

Come up with 30+ questions about music and life that you can use/reuse throughout the year (the more the better). You can include a relevant picture in the post if you want.

3. Share Photos and Videos

Each week share a photo or video.

These can be photos/video at concerts, at home, at fashion events or shoots, or out and about, letting the fans see into your world. They can be taken by you or be those you found online of your performances/fashion shoots/music.  Introduce the video/picture with 1-4 sentences, don’t just share it or have the link just appear on your page (links/videos mean nothing without context).

4. Share About Holidays, Seasons and Life

You can ask questions, share thoughts, share ideas, tell your fans about plans, talk about traditions, talk about food etc. 

Obviously some months are easier to think of things to talk about with relation to holidays so plan that 2 weeks each month you’ll talk holidays and 2-3 life (it’s good to show a personal side, especially with social media).

5. Share the Latest News

Each week you can fill fans in on the biggest news for you i.e. new song release, you’re working with a legend, new gig you’ve booked, new record deal, a new album, your album’s on a best music list, featured in a magazine etc.

If it’s relevant you can include a link in these posts so your fans can learn more/sign up etc. You can also do contests and giveaways here (fans love them!). 

6. Share About Fashion and Style

Each week share a tip, product, inspiration, article or video with your fans to help them have fashions as fabulous as yours and be as confident as you are in what they wear.

You can share tips for having fabulous fashions, making perfect style choices for events, life and business, discuss fashion awards, talk about what you see in magazines or people are wearing on TV, share dressy or casual suggestions, suggestions on how fans can stand out and let their personal style shine, the latest happenings in the fashion world including at big events like fashion weeks, what the seasons’ styles are going to be, etc.

Each time you share a video, blog post or article, share the title or topic of the post, 1-4 sentences to tell fans what and why you’re sharing it, and a link so they can read it (this is how I recommend you share all articles, blog posts and videos on your page).

7. Share Your Music

Each week share a piece of your music.

The best way to get more gigs etc. is by letting people know just how amazing you are, and they can’t know that if they don’t hear it.  I would share the title of the song, if there’s any inspiration behind the song and a 30-60 second clip of the song, a recording of the whole song, or a YouTube video of the song.

These don’t have to be just official recorded songs, they can be songs you’ve been trying out, cover songs, or anything you’re playing (and don’t share the same song every week for multiple weeks.

It will bore your fans and they’ll stop reading your posts). 

8. Share Personal Thoughts

Each week you’ll have up to 7 days to share something personal to build the personal connection with your fans and build interest in who you are and the passion behind your music and modeling.

You can share about someone you met at a coffee house, about a concert you’re attending, about what you’re planning for the future, a favorite place to go, a quote you love, something you’re contemplating that day, or just things going on in your life.  You would share a lot of what you share on Twitter and in your journal on your website here as well as other personal thoughts, interests and plans.

*I won’t include this in the schedule below, but it can be titled “My World” when you share it each day.  Since you’ll be posting twice daily, I do suggest that you post one post at 9/10 am and the other at 7/8 pm so they’re not back to back and give you a better chance of being seen by fans.

Scheduling and Posting:

I suggest that you usually have a catchy title for each posting and you should always post the same topic on the same day of the week. If you prefer to share it as a hashtag you can. 

You can adjust the plan to include as many or few of the topics suggested, but the schedule below includes all of them.

So on Saturdays, you could post “Celebration: I’m looking forward to going apple picking with friends, what are you planning this autumn?” “#celebration: I’m looking forward to going apple picking with friends, what are you planning this autumn?

  • Sunday: “Songs & Sounds” share music on Sundays (#7)
  • Monday: “Ideas & Inspiration” share inspiration on Mondays (#1)
  • Tuesday: “Movement Making” share pictures and videos on Tuesdays (#3)
  • Wednesday: “Music & More” talk about news on Wednesdays (#5)
  • Thursday: “Your Turn” ask questions on Thursdays (#2)
  • Friday: “Fashion Forward” share about style and fashion on Fridays (#6)
  • Saturday: “Celebration” share about life and holidays on Saturdays (#4)

Good luck marketing your music ventures — I hope this helps!