To ensure long life, humans generally attempt to partake in a number of methods. Exercise, vitamins & minerals, and plenty of rest.

Blogs are no different.

With the competitive nature of today’s blogging industry – is has been proven that success in blogging comes from long-term, quality writing. Hammering out quality blog posts day after day, and developing a content rich archive of unique blog posts is the key to developing a committed group of readers.

Browse through the following steps – and develop a plan for the long-term health of your blog.

  • Pick a Topic – Choose a topic that will interest you for at least a few years. You’ll be writing content related to this topic day after day. You don’t want cold feet only three months into your blog. Think long and hard before deciding on a blog topic. Essentially, you’re marrying this topic – and will be living with it every moment of your life.
  • Watch Statistics – Statistics are like the doctor visits of blogging. Find a good analytics program, and watch your statistics. Check routinely, and see if your toils are being rewarded. Do blog visitors increase after posting? Does a certain social media site draw attention towards your blog? It’s important to remember that after a few months – a small visitor base should be developing on your blog. Be sure that you’re not working in vain. If visitors aren’t coming – revisit your marketing plan. Google Analytics is my preferred statistics choice.
  • Develop Friendships – Creating a network of friends is crucial to the development of every blog. Dive into social media, create real life friends, and invite your family to get involved.
  • Stick It Out – Don’t stop writing. Many bloggers get tired of writing because they aren’t seeing immediate rewards – and quit. Remember, you won’t have immediate success in the realm of blogging. Success will come with time. Slowly you’ll become a trusted, respected member of your niche – and a source of quality entertainment and information.

Maintaining a blog for a future full of longevity, takes time and effort. As mentioned by many statistical experts – it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in any given field. Why would your blog be any different?

Take care of your blog. Don’t let it die. It would surely be a waste of precious life and work.