Feeling tired and depleted? Are you getting sick often?

I’ve been looking to reduce daily stress and improve my immune system a bunch of times in my life. The more stressed we are each day, the more we physically internalize that stress – manifesting in sickness and disease.

Our every action play into the equation of our overall health.

Eating healthy, getting counseling, spending time in nature, and caring for animals and others are great ways to begin reducing life’s stress.

What I’ve written here are only suggestions and not a substitute for the care of a physician. Please consult your doctor when it comes to matters of your health; they are equipped best to assess you, and the stressors you encounter and can recommend or prescribe a healing plan.

Take Hots Baths & Drink Warm Water

Take Hots Baths & Drink Warm Water

A hot bath or warm bath can do a world of wonder.

On the daily, I’m not the biggest fan of a bath, but if I need to de-stress, sitting in the tub is a great way to relax and rest the body and mind.

In addition to hot baths, drinking warm water is good for digestion and calms nerves. I’ve found that taking a moment to have a glass of warm water can reset my mood and brings comfort to the body.

Sitting your face over a bowl of steaming water is another way to relax and reset.

Stretch & Do Yoga

Stretch & Do Yoga

Both generalized stretching and more formal yoga poses really help to loosen the body and keep muscles, joints and tendons limber and less likely to be injured.

I’m not the best at going through a full yoga session each day, but I stretch almost daily while relaxing when watching a movie or TV.

Sitting at the computer in a chair for long hours can take a physical toll. 

Stretching has helped me to reverse carpal tunnel issues and lessen back pain and tension. Without stretching, I feel I would have much more severe issues, and I have many more years needed to be well and healthy enough to continue working.

You can’t afford not to stretch.

If you’re not already stretching on a routine, start with a single session at least once weekly, and you will still see and feel a difference.

Apart from top-to-bottom body stretching, enrolling in a yoga class can get you on track and focused towards a more flexible and strengthened body. Many online streaming services also have yoga classes recorded and available for viewing.

Eat Healthy Food & Get Enough Water

Eat Healthy Food & Get Enough Water

There were a couple months this last year when I had lower pressure and it caused a range of problems.

After making a few changes in my diet, reducing some sodium, and focusing on drinking enough water each day, my blood pressure started to lower and improve.

I’m not a vegetarian, but I eat limited red meat, get my protein from fish and turkey meat, and have found a way to avoid eating as many processed goods and junk food. If I have bad food in my home, I’ll eat it, so the best way for me to eat cleaner is to simply not buy the poor-quality food in the first place.

Eating a healthy diet also includes avoiding excessive alcohol and coffee, as both can lead to higher blood pressure and other health complications if over-indulged.

With a healthier diet I find I no longer get sick as often, I’m headache free, and filled with more energy.

Talk to a Friend, Family Member or Clergy

Talk to a Friend, Family Member or Clergy

Talking to someone else about personal feelings is a surefire way to relax and get things off your chest.

I’ve always found it helpful to grab the phone and talk things over with my mom if I feel anxious or concerned. Whomever you choose to talk to, be sure they have your best interests in mind, and are someone who loves you unconditionally.

Many people also find it very helpful to talk to a religious leader.

Although I’m no longer religious, I remember the comfort from getting guidance from someone who cared. Now, I tend to replace much of that emotional assistance by talking things through with my husband, but for others, a look into religion might be a worthwhile solution.

Care for a Pet or Plants

Care for a Pet or Plants

Getting a new dog and caring for my plants greatly reduced my anxiety.

Caring for something other than self allows you to think more selflessly, which has been found to promote happiness and a decrease in depression. Event plants, although more simple to care for than a pet, can help to reduce anxiety and promote calm at home or in the workplace.

When you have something like a dog to care for it also forces you to get up and outside periodically throughout the day when you bring your dog out to relieve themselves.

Spend Some Time in the Sun & Nature

Spend Some Time in the Sun & Nature

This summer, I decided to delete my personal Facebook account and spend more time camping in the woods. It was the greatest decision for my personal well-being and physical health.

Now, I’m more healthy and less stressed than ever, all due to focusing my time now on social media sites that bring in the most value for my brand and clients and disconnecting to maintain mental stability.

It’s also critical to get enough Vitamin D from the sun or other means, as deficiencies can lead to health issues and depression, and there’s even a possible link to cancer and continued low Vitamin D levels.

As someone who spends ample time indoors working at a desk, I know part of my new attitude can be attributed to getting more sunlight and Vitamin D in my system.

Try Therapy & Wellness Counseling

Try Therapy & Wellness Counseling

Talking to licensed therapists, psychologists and counselors is a proven way to address personal issues with stress and anxiety.

Therapists are trained professionals with extensive knowledge and will have recommendations and treatment plans for any severe anxiety issue causing stress in your life.

Apart from therapists and psychologists, wellness counselors and de-stressing apps can be additional ways to supplement your treatment from a different perspective.

Make a Habit of Meditation & Prayer

Make a Habit of Meditation & Prayer

Prayer and meditation go hand-in-hand.

Meditation is a passive form of mental relaxation, and prayer is an active form of positive meditation.

On the daily, I say prayers of gratitude in my head, but not addressed to any certain deity or religion. My prayers are based in our literal world, in gratitude for all this universe has allowed me to experience as a conscious and sentient human being.

For many, praying to God or another greater power is a powerful way to reduce stress.

Sleep To Recharge Your Body & Mind

Sleep To Recharge Your Body & Mind

I’m the worst at getting enough sleep.

For most of my life, I’ve had insomnia and have been a light sleeper, so I’ve resorted on most days to take two separate four-hour sleeping sessions.

In a perfect world, I would get 7-8 hours of sleep each night, greatly improving the strength of my immune system. Getting enough sleep also improves your mood, keep sicknesses at bay, and help your body to heal and regrow.

Start Exercising Daily

Start Exercising Daily

It’s beaten into our heads at a young age and on; exercising daily gives immeasurable benefit to the mind and body.

For the longest time I didn’t have an exercise habit, but I was able to start one by embarking on shorter working out sessions. Instead of trying to overwhelm myself, I started with twenty minutes daily, and worked up from there.

Exercise is irreplaceable when it comes to strengthening the body and keeping illness away.

After exercise, I also find my blood pressure decreases, I’m always in a better mood, and I sleep deeper and better at night.

How can I stop being stressed every day?

Being stressed every day feels awful.

The world crushes in, you feel like there’s no way out, and it’s hard to cope with even the easiest of tasks.

One way to stop being stressed every day is to take each day hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute, and focus only on what you can control. Do not focus on what you can’t control. It’s only wasted energy.

What reduces stress immediately?

You can reduce stress immediately by taking deep breaths.

In the long-term, there are other ways to reduce stress, but if you need to lower your heart rate immediately and de-stress, closing your eyes and focusing on breathing steadily can help.