Anxiety is debilitating, and finding ways to make life more bearable and putting your mind at ease can be difficult.

I’ve always had anxiety about disease and illness due to having battled Lyme Disease, and some of that trauma still lives with me. Going through a health battle in life is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you’re stronger and more prepared, and in other ways, you become softer.

Quick Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Whether you’re at home or the office, sometimes you need to get on with your day but still cope with your anxieties—and a few ways exist to address anxiety simply and quickly.

  1. Create Lists — I have a fear and anxiety about forgetting tasks or essential things I need to remember, so putting everything in my mind on paper helps relieve the mind. Sticky notes are my preferred method of notetaking, and I use multiple sticky notes to create grouped lists of tasks. I also keep tasks running and scheduled daily through Microsoft Outlook, but the additional sticky notes give me something tangible to cross off and then feel accomplished to keep going.
  2. Breathe & Meditate — The most straightforward way to calm some anxieties is to breathe and meditate. Breathing and sitting or laying down to meditate helps lower your heart rate, eases racing thoughts, and allows you to gather your composure.
  3. Ground Yourself — If you ever find yourself having a panic attack, remember first to stop. As hard as it is, stop. Stop whatever you’re doing, maybe even sit, and touch something to ground yourself. After having a few true panic attacks in my life, I found that the only way to break out of the panic attack cycle was to sit in a corner, breath, relax, and work my way through the attack. Stopping can help one not fall prey to more manic tendencies during a panic attack.
  4. Draw — Drawing or doodling is an easy way to focus your mind on something else other than negativity and depressive anxiety. If you don’t want to draw, find another simple task or hobby to perform when you’re feeling a wave of anxiety.
  5. Forgive Yourself — Life is so tough, and we tend to be even harder on ourselves. Pay close attention to your inner dialogue, and remember to be kind. You will have bad days, but that doesn’t mean you’re destined to have a bad life. Love yourself enough to keep trying.

As always, if you’re feeling depressed or suicidal, speak with a doctor or call a helpline immediately. I am not a doctor, so my thoughts cannot be taken as medical advice, and often, anxiety needs to be diagnosed and addressed by a medical professional.

Additionally, severe anxiety may require medication prescribed by a medical professional to see improvements in mental health.

How can I reduce anxiety fast?

A quick way to reduce anxiety is to lay down on your back, close your eyes, and breathe. As you relax, your heart rate will come down, and take the time to refocus your mind from anything negative and instead think about the rhythm of your breath.