Every seven years, my birthday happens to fall on Thanksgiving.

In a few weeks, this rare occasion will happen again as I turn 33. In the spirit of reflection and gratitude, I present 32 lessons I’ve gathered on planet Earth so far.

1. Trust Your Gut Feeling

Intuition, often described as that inside gut feeling or an inner whisper, is a mysterious yet powerful force.

While it might defy logic and reason at times, its wisdom is rooted in our subconscious, informed by past experiences, observations, and even instincts we’ve inherited from our ancestors.

Throughout my 32-year life, I’ve recognized that this inner voice has an uncanny accuracy. Whether it’s been guiding me away from seemingly good opportunities that didn’t feel right or nudging me towards a risk that logic might have steered me away from, my intuition has consistently shown its value.

But why does intuition matter so much? In a world overflowing with data, analytics, and advice, intuition is a beacon of personal truth. It connects us to our deepest desires, fears, and values. By tapping into it, we’re essentially tuning into a personalized guidance system tailored to our unique lives.

Cultivating a relationship with our intuition is like strengthening a muscle. It requires patience and practice. It means creating silent spaces in our daily lives to listen, be it through meditation, solitary walks in nature, or journaling. Over time, as we act on these intuitive nudges and witness their outcomes, our trust in this inner compass deepens.

In a world that often shouts, learning to listen to this soft-spoken guide can be transformative. So, the next time you face a crossroads or a decision that leaves you in doubt, take a moment. Breathe deeply. Seek that whisper within. Trust that voice. Your soul often knows what your conscious mind might struggle to comprehend.

2. The Art of Declining

In a world that often demands our constant attention and energy, learning to say “no” is more crucial than ever.

It’s not merely a two-letter word; it’s a declaration of one’s self-worth and a tool to protect one’s well-being.

When we decline invitations, tasks, or any form of request that doesn’t align with our core beliefs, goals, or current life situations, we’re making a powerful statement. We’re saying, “I respect myself enough to prioritize what truly matters to me.”

Overextending ourselves, after all, leads to burnout and resentment. By mindfully choosing our commitments, we not only avoid these pitfalls but also ensure that our ‘yes’ holds more value. It means when we do commit to something, it’s with our whole heart and energy.

Additionally, understanding the art of declining is essential in nurturing personal relationships. By being honest and transparent about our limitations, we cultivate mutual respect. It fosters deeper connections built on understanding rather than obligations.

In essence, while it may feel challenging to say “no” in a culture that often equates busyness with worth, it is a critical skill in maintaining both our mental health and the quality of our commitments. Embrace the power of “no” and watch your life transform.

3. Your Body, Your Temple

Maintaining our health ensures we enjoy life’s adventures. Regular exercise and including good nutrition and diet are keys to vitality.

4. Believe in Something

Whether faith, philosophy or another guiding force, it provides solace and direction in tumultuous times.

5. The Cosmic Perspective

In the vastness of the universe, our worries can seem trivial. This perspective helps lighten the burdens we carry.

6. Kindness Always Matters

Every act of kindness, big or small, echoes in the universe. It’s the language that transcends barriers.

7. The Healing Power of Therapy

Seeking therapy signifies strength. It’s a travel to self-understanding and emotional well-being.

8. Simple Joys

Sunsets, the scent of rain, laughter—life’s true beauty often dwells in these unassuming moments.

9. Lifelong Learning

The adage “knowledge is power” has echoed through the ages and for a good reason.

Knowledge equips us with the tools to understand the world, make informed decisions, and pave our unique paths in life. But knowledge isn’t just a destination; it’s an adventure—an endless, vast ocean waiting to be explored.

In my 32 years, one of the most invaluable lessons I’ve embraced is the importance of lifelong learning. The world is in a constant state of flux, with new information, technologies, and perspectives emerging daily. Staying stagnant is more than just a missed opportunity; it’s a disservice to one’s potential.

Diving deep into the ocean of knowledge has revealed treasures I never knew existed. Books that have transformed my worldview, courses that have equipped me with new skills, conversations that have broadened my horizons, and experiences that have enriched my soul. The more I’ve learned, the more I’ve realized the vastness of what remains unknown, and this very realization fuels my curiosity.

But lifelong learning isn’t just about professional or academic advancement. It’s about personal growth, understanding different cultures, empathizing with diverse viewpoints, and, most importantly, evolving as a human being. It’s about the joy of discovery, the thrill of understanding a complex concept, and the humility that comes from recognizing how much there is still to learn.

So, as you journey through life, stay hungry for knowledge. Visit that library, enroll in that course, engage in debates, and never hesitate to ask questions. The world is a vast, intricate tapestry of information and experiences, and each day presents an opportunity to learn something new. Embrace it, and let the waves of knowledge carry you to uncharted territories.

10. Value Time

Time, once gone, never returns. Cherish it with loved ones and in pursuits that ignite passion.

11. Embrace Change

Like seasons, change is inevitable. Adaptation ensures we evolve and thrive.

12. The Gift of Listening

Sometimes, all someone reall needs is a listening ear. It’s a silent way to say, “I care.”

13. Relationships are Gold

Nurture them. Whether family, friends, or partners, they’re life’s true treasures.

14. Financial Literacy

In today’s complex world, understanding the intricacies of money is more vital than ever.

Many think of financial literacy simply as the ability to balance a checkbook or adhere to a budget. While these are crucial components, true financial wisdom delves much deeper. It’s not merely about the dollars and cents; it’s about making informed decisions that shape your present and future.

While earning money is a significant aspect of financial health, it’s only a part of the equation. Equally important is the understanding of how to allocate what you earn. This is where the real magic of money management comes into play: smart spending, diligent saving, and strategic investing.

Smart spending is about discerning needs and wants, ensuring you get value for your hard-earned money, and avoiding the pitfalls of impulsive purchases. It’s about recognizing that the most expensive option isn’t always the best and that living within your means is a cornerstone of financial stability.

Saving, on the other hand, is the practice of setting aside and keeping under lock a portion of your income regularly. This discipline creates a safety net for unexpected expenses, allows for big-ticket purchases without debt, and, over time, can lead to huge and significant financial growth. The peace of mind from having a nest egg cannot be overstated.

Investing, however, is the game-changer. It’s putting your money to work, allowing it to grow exponentially over time. While it involves risks, with proper education and advice, investing can be the pathway to financial independence. Understanding the stock market, real estate, bonds, and other investment vehicles can open doors to passive income and long-term wealth.

In essence, financial literacy is empowerment.

It provides the tools to navigate the complexities of the economic landscape, ensuring you’re not just surviving but thriving. As you grow older, take the time to educate yourself on financial matters. Read books, attend seminars, or even consider consulting with financial professionals. The knowledge you gain will serve as a foundation for a stable and prosperous life.

15. Travel Broadens Horizons

Exploring new places and cultures enriches the soul and challenges our perspectives.

16. Forgiveness Frees

Holding onto grudges weighs us down. Forgiveness isn’t for them—it’s for us.

17. You Define Success

Rather than societal metrics, your happiness and peace should define your success.

18. A Good Book is a Friend

Reading illuminates minds, offering escape, knowledge, and solace.

19. Every Failure Teaches

Failure, often feared and avoided, holds a wealth of wisdom for those willing to embrace it.

In our pursuit of success, we will inevitably stumble, face challenges, and, at times, find ourselves at seemingly insurmountable roadblocks. However, these moments, while daunting, are brimming with invaluable lessons.

Throughout my life, I’ve come to view failures not as final destinations but as critical junctures, guiding me toward paths I might have otherwise missed. Each misstep offers a unique perspective, shedding light on areas that require growth, adaptation, and change.

They’re not merely setbacks; they’re set-ups for future triumphs. Think of them as detours, guiding you towards a route better suited to your path. Every entrepreneur, innovator, and pioneer has faced their share of failures. What distinguishes them is their ability to extract knowledge from these experiences and utilize it to propel them forward.

When we reframe our perspective on failure, we see it as a teacher, a mentor that shapes our character, builds resilience, and fine-tunes our strategies. Failures test our mettle, revealing our true strengths and areas of improvement. They teach us humility, perseverance, and the importance of adaptability in a constantly evolving world.

So, the next time you face a setback, don’t let it deter you. Embrace the lessons it offers. Analyze where things went awry, adapt your strategies, and arm yourself with this newfound knowledge. Remember, it’s often in the wake of our most significant challenges that we rise, more robust and wiser, ready to tackle the world with renewed vigor. Every failure is an invitation to a more extraordinary comeback, waiting for you to seize the opportunity.

20. Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

Positivity attracts positive people and circumstances.

21. Nature Heals

A walk in nature can be the best therapy. Reconnect with Earth.

22. Self-care Isn’t Selfish

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Prioritize self-care.

23. Create, Not Just Consume

Whether art, music, writing, or any form—creation is soulful expression.

24. Dreams Require Action

We all have dreams.

These aspirations, whether big or small, are the compass that gives direction to our lives. But dreams, in their ethereal nature, can remain just that — intangible visions of what could be — unless they’re grounded with action.

Throughout my years, I’ve come to understand that dreams aren’t just about wishing upon a star and hoping for the best. They’re about taking that initial vision, that spark of inspiration, and fueling it with determination, perseverance, and hard work. It’s this fusion of passion with persistence that transforms dreams from mere thoughts into tangible realities.

Every accomplished individual, every success story I’ve encountered, carries a common thread: behind their realized dreams is a trail of effort, setbacks, lessons, and relentless pursuit. It’s not just the end goal that matters, but the journey undertaken, the obstacles overcome, and the resilience displayed in the face of adversity.

So, as you chase your dreams, remember it’s not enough just to dream. 

Equip those dreams with a plan, lace up your shoes for the journey, and embrace the grind. Because it’s in the marriage of vision and action that dreams genuinely come to life.

25. Authenticity Shines

Being true to oneself attracts genuine connections.

26. Mindfulness Matters

Being present enriches experiences and relationships.

27. Limit Digital Intake

In the modern age, our lives are inextricably linked with the digital realm. Social media notifications, endless news cycles, and an ever-growing list of apps clamor for our attention every waking moment. While these tools have unquestionably enriched our lives in many ways, they’ve also introduced a cacophony of distractions, often leading to overwhelming and disconnection from our authentic selves.

Last year, I took a monumental step: I deleted my personal social media accounts, including saying goodbye to Facebook. It was a challenging decision, considering how integrated these platforms had become in my daily routine. Yet, this act of digital decluttering became one of the most liberating experiences of my life.

Suddenly, hours previously spent scrolling through curated feeds were now available for pursuits that genuinely added value to my life:

  • Reading books
  • Engaging in face-to-face conversations
  • Dedicating more time to introspection and self-care

I rediscovered the beauty of silence, of moments not punctuated by the ping of a notification.

Through occasional digital detoxes, I’ve learned the importance of recalibrating both mind and spirit. Detaching from the constant influx of information allows us to reconnect with our inner voices, grounding us in the present moment. It fosters clarity, reduces anxiety, and helps nurture genuine connections with the people and environment around us.

In essence, while technology is an incredible tool for connection and knowledge, it’s vital to strike a balance. By consciously limiting our digital intake, we pave the way for a life more in tune with our true essence, which cherishes real experiences over virtual validations. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the digital world, consider taking a step back, even briefly.

You might be surprised at the tranquility and clarity that await.

28. Express Gratitude

A grateful heart magnetizes joy and abundance.

29. Laughter Lightens

There’s a unique magic to laughter.

It’s contagious, healing, and universally understood. Across cultures, languages, and ages, a genuine chuckle or a hearty laugh acts as a bridge, connecting souls in moments of shared joy.

Throughout my life, I’ve realized that laughter is not just a response to humor; it’s an expression of joy, a testament to resilience, and, sometimes, a defense against adversity. In the face of challenges, finding reasons to laugh can be a beacon of light, casting away the shadows of despair, if only for a moment.

But what makes laughter truly remarkable is its physiological and psychological benefits. Laughter releases endorphins, our body’s natural feel-good chemicals. It relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, and boosts our immune system. Psychologically, it can shift perspectives, turning mountains into molehills and making the burdens of life a bit lighter.

Beyond the personal benefits, laughter is also a social glue. Shared giggles forge bonds, lighten atmospheres, and create memories. Who hasn’t reminisced about a time when they laughed so hard that tears streamed down their faces or their bellies ached? These moments, simple as they might seem, are the threads that weave the fabric of our shared human experience.

So, as you navigate the tapestry of life, seek out laughter.

Be it in the company of friends, a funny book, a comedy show, or even memories of amusing mishaps. Let your heart be merry, and your soul sing its joyous melody. In laughter, we find a slice of life’s purest, most unadulterated joy.

30. Start with Self-love

Love for self sets the standard for other relationships.

31. Set Intentions

Purpose-driven actions lead to meaningful outcomes.

32. Every Day Is a Gift

Time has a peculiar way of slipping through our fingers.

One day, we’re young, full of dreams and ambitions, and before we know it, decades have passed. This fleeting nature of time underscores a profound truth: every single day we are given is an irreplaceable gift.

Each morning, as the sun rises and paints the sky with its hues, we’re presented with 24 hours—a blank canvas, an unwritten page in the story of our lives. And with this gift comes the responsibility and the freedom to shape it into a masterpiece or let it fade into obscurity.

However, in the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to get caught up in routines, to-do lists, and plans. We often find ourselves living either in the past, ruminating over what was, or in the future, anxiously anticipating what might be. In doing so, we forget the magic of the present moment.

The beauty of embracing each day as a gift lies in the details. It’s in the warmth of a loved one’s smile, the serenity of a quiet moment with a cup of tea, the unexpected kindness from a stranger, or even the gentle rhythm of our heartbeat. It’s these simple, fleeting moments that, when pieced together, create the tapestry of our lives.

Furthermore, when we truly internalize the value of each day, our perspective shifts. We become more intentional with our choices, more present in our relationships, and more grateful for the peaks and valleys in our lives.

As you navigate the chapters of your life, remember to pause and savor the gift of the present. In these moments, we find joy, meaning, and the raw material to craft our legacy.

Embrace each day, for it’s a unique, unrepeatable chapter in the epic tale that is your life.

Wrapping it Up

These lessons, though personal, might resonate with many. As I approach 33, I’m filled with gratitude for these insights.

What about you? Which lessons strike a chord? How has your journey shaped you? Let’s grow, learn, and celebrate life—together.