Power vs. Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, is a book by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., sharing how we react and respond to the world around us.

The Concept of Power vs. Force

Ultimately, Dr. Hawkins theorizes that truth is bound by two different energies — power and force, and both can be perceived through the body’s kinetics.

Power is positive, easy to access, flowing, and effortless.

Force is coercive, negative, damaging, and low energy.

If we live a life of force, we will feel the devastating effects in our bodies, and if we live with power, it will energize and motivate us.

Learning from Power vs. Force

I’m not sure that I’m fully vested in believing all of Dr. Hawkins’s concepts in Power vs. Force as perfect truth, but I’m reminded of the benefits of taking the high road of power — instead of succumbing to the ease of force.

Akin to power vs. force, I see the similarity in trust vs. fear. When we base our lives and choices on trust, it’s effortless and makes sense. When we found our lives on fear and suspicion, we make things complicated and base our world on a negative reality.

I’ve seen time and time again in my life that if I approach any relationship with distrust or fear, it never goes well, I lose myself, and confidence erodes. Relationships based on trust and love are always more effortless and flow with ease charged with energy.

The Power of Those Around You

Another great takeaway from Power vs. Force is the impact people in your life have. Take the time to surround yourself with family and friends who are supportive, positive, filled with love, and understanding — all attributes of effortless power.

Stay clear of anyone who feels forced — the mother of negativity.