I was flying into Seattle on a Friday night, and while at the airport I happened upon tickets to see the West Side Story at The 5th Avenue Theatre after checking in at my hotel.

My goodness, this was quite the show!

I sat in the second row and was seated next to a few older gay gentlemen. They were making me miss my husband. They were also locals and knew the best bars to visit for quiet drinks, or dancing if preferred.

With the West Side Story starting and The 5th Avenue Theatre curtains parting, I was engulfed immediately.

This performance was an emotional rollercoaster.

From chilling vocals to animal, raw sadness, anger and regret, the ups and downs of West Side Story unfolded in this beautiful theatre in Downtown Seattle.

Throughout the show, I continually was reminded of sitting in the upper room of my Grandma’s home, watching the original West Side Story film in color. Officer Krupke and “I feel pretty!” dancing through my easily impressed mind.

For those that know the ending of West Side Story, you know it packs a punch to the gut. The talented cast at The 5th Avenue Theatre was brilliant in transferring the pain felt, to the audience. Tears were felt.

West Side Story helps you to remember to see things from all sides and perspectives and to remember how fragile life is. Although I was reminded on a “1st World Problem” basis, drink in hand, watching marvelous talent, the reminder rang true just the same.

We are all connected, and our words and actions have tremendous consequences.

Thank you to The 5th Avenue Theatre for making my Friday rather thoughtful and poignant. Nothing shallow, but sincere and rehearsed with importance.

Now I need to carve out some time to watch the West Side Story film again soon.