Sam Beamond blogs at Internet Marketing Source and shares tips on SEO, email marketing and more.

Who do you look up to?

The best way to answer this would be to look at who I follow online. I’ve actually begun a blog series on this topic, where I cover a different online high profile person on each post. Those that I have written about or plan to are: Chris Brogan, Darren Rowse, Brian Clark, Michael Stezner, etc.

How do you build blog traffic?

I blog often as I can to build content around my field. This in turn bring the organic search traffic. I try to word my posts, titles and content using terms and phrases that I would expect someone to use when looking for information about my topic. I Tweet and post blog posts to my social networks.

What are some of your passions?

Internet marketing, building strategies and seeing results, and successes.

Why do you love blogging?

I love to share what I know and give others the chance to #win from my successful tactics.

How does social media become powerful?

I look at social media as a platform to build your brand, and to define yourself as an expert in your field.

How can bloggers be better?

Follow Darren Rowse @problogger and apply what he tells you. It’s the truth!

Where do you find happiness?

In my wife, family, relationship with Christ and of course success in my work life.

About Sam Beamond

I first began dabbling in the World Wide Web in 1997 where I put up a personal web page on one of the many free hosting platforms at the time. As technology progressed, I found myself more and more interested in the online world and began creating a variety of websites in my own time, while working as a Graphic Designer for my full time job.

Soon after I progressed into website design on a professional level. My passion for the internet soon flourished, and knowing that there was much more to the web than simply web design, I founded my own Internet Marketing Company — Beamond Creative, LLC, focusing on using the latest web technologies to market businesses. Here I continue to learn about important internet technological advancements, and develop the strategies required to pull them together and make marketing online a success.