Hi, I’m Jason! I’ve always had a knack to write about various topics that range from technology, food, electronics, and health. Not yet a freelance writer, I hope to improve and reach out to individuals who want to read about new and informative topics that may be interesting or educating for them.

You’ve been doing a lot of writing lately.

It could be for school or for your own novel. It’s been a full two weeks and guess what, you have only five full pages done.  Now, I am not here to judge, but that is pretty awful.  I know that you can do better than that.

I know that because there are some ways out there to boost your writing productivity and speed right this second.

No, you won’t have to sit at your desk all day and write till the task is finished.  Take it easy and incorporate these tips into your daily writing routine.

Plan what you write.

The first tip is to plan out what you want to write.

Creating a short outline of all the topics you want to be covered will let you remember everything that you want to write.  Now, you do not have an excuse that you “forgot” about that one idea.  That idea could have been your best yet.

The next step is an easy one.

Clean up your work area.

Clutter can distract you from writing and it will surprisingly increase your writing output.

Unplug your internet connection.

The next tip is a big one and involves the computer. Yes you can use it, but only use it to write.

Do not use it to check your e-mail or your Facebook every ten minutes.

I know for a fact you’ll get distracted and that one sentence can take twenty minutes to write.

Better yet, just unplug your internet connection from your computer, problem solved.

Give yourself a reward.

One last tip is to congratulate yourself and give yourself a reward for your hard work.  Let’s say that you finished half of the writing that needed to be done, awesome.

Now go take a break, go somewhere, take a walk, do anything to take your mind off writing for a little bit.

You do not want to feel overwhelmed, you want to come back refreshed and ready to write again.

Speed up your writing?

Now that you are more productive, are you feeling that you are not writing fast enough? Here are a few quick tips to speed up your writing.

One tip is to type faster.

Duh, but still it is a reminder. You can take five minutes and practice on any keyboard.  You’ll learn the location of the keys better so you will not have to look at them when typing.

The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium.  –Norbet Platt

Next is to write in bursts.

If you have a great idea, write all of it down.  You’d be surprised at how much you’ll have done after a burst like that.

One last idea is to set a timer and you have to finish what you want to write in that time frame.

Now don’t go writing garbage, but pace yourself, it will work.

Go ahead. Write.

Hopefully now you have some good ideas to speed up your writing productivity and writing speed.

Remember to take baby steps because if you utilize all the tips I recommended, then you’ll probably never want to write again and we don’t want that.

Take your time and be creative. As always, good luck in your writing adventures.