No longer do we live in a time when our influence is only propagated to a few individuals. In times past most may have had an influence over five, ten – maybe even one hundred people in the course of a day.

Those times have changed.

We now, through the internet, are able to commune with people across the globe. Living, breathing humans.

To me our connections are much the same independent of type.

Whether we’re speaking face to face to a friend or neighbor – or chatting with our best friend who lives three thousand miles away – we still touch lives. In different cultures. Parts of the globe. And through differences of race and color.

If you care about them, even if distance is a separator – you touch their life just as much as the person you speak to face to face.

With this influence, with a potential to reach the minds and hearts of millions – as is always stated – there comes a great responsibility. No person has control over what you will do with that influence. Unless of course, you’re owned by a company or large conglomerate. In that case – you’re chaff in the wind.

If, however, you own your own influence, there will come a responsibility. The choice is yours.

You have the ability and power to influence for good or bad. Right or wrong.

Make that choice: and make it well.

Do you let others control and manipulate the influence you’ve been given through an online venue by their actions, choices and thoughts? Does it occur to you that your influence online is also felt in the physical world? How often do you take your influence for granted? (or internet connection!) Share with me. I’d like to learn.