J.K. Rowling is the creator and author of the uber-famous Harry Potter series (if you didn’t already know already – which, if so, I’d suggest moving to a location where news is distributed).

Last night I spent part of the day waiting at the movie theater with my brother and friends to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter. We dressed up, had wizarding duels and fun for all. The movie, yes, was fantastic. While waiting for the movie, I got to thinking about the following question…

What has J.K. Rowling done for business?

Not just “business” but business on a whole. Entirety. What has she inspired us to do?

How does J.K. Rowling inspire you?

Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” –J.K. Rowling

When I hear of J.K. Rowling I think of someone who hasn’t given up. Someone who’s created intelligently and with a purpose. She had a story, and she shared it with the world. Look at what it’s become!

  • She’s created a multi-billion dollar business.
  • She wrote something from her heart.
  • She didn’t let time push her. When fans were dying for a new book, she took as much time as she could in order to produce something of value.
  • Her story is remarkable. A struggling single mother to make ends meet.

She herself, J.K. Rowling, has inspired many to write. I know she’s done that for me. She’s inspired me to reach within and seek to produce works of literature that might touch another life, bring joy and entertainment, and create fantasy for another, living human on this earth. The boundaries in writing are endless. They aren’t stoppable.

In A Business Sense

If you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” –J.K. Rowling

In a fiscal, business sense – J.K. Rowling also has the ability to inspire. Business owners should pay strict attention to what she’s created. I believe the takeaway here is passion. Passion for your product and share it with that same level of commitment, excitement, urgency and direction.

What shall we do?

There is much I could continue writing, but I hope you get my drift.

Reach for something bigger.

Create a masterpiece from the experiences you’ve already encountered in your life, in whatever shape or form that might be.

Share with me your thoughts in the comments below. Do you feel inspired by what J.K. Rowling has created? Have your read the Harry Potter books? Maybe you don’t enjoy J.K. Rowling? Maybe you don’t feel inspired by her in the least! Tell us why.

Let’s go make some magic.