This marketing plan is usable for any artist, whether new or established. It goes over the most sustainable, valuable techniques in the current online marketing industry.


Blogging is simply a way for the brand (in this case, the artist) to share thoughts, feelings, advice and information with the world. For a music artist, this will become very valuable for fan engagement.

Sample blog posts could include:

  • Candid vlogs (video blog posts) about current events, what new music is coming out, a thought, etc…
  • A “glimpse into the life” of the artist (e.g. school, pets, family, hobbies, inspiration for music, etc…)
  • News clippings and reviews of the artist

Fans worship those who’ve inspired them through music. When an artist harnesses the power of blogging to engage with fans, they’ll quickly find their fan numbers growing. Fans are intrigued by music, those who produce it, and the “behind the scenes” life. Sharing that will bring them back again and again.

In most cases, a blogger would be harnessing traffic to push a product or advertisers, but in this case, the product is the music and other associated merchandise.

Social Media Marketing (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, etc.)

Social media is the process by which an individual has followers, and then the content is shared with said followers. Interaction is key. Social media is very potent when it comes to an artist.

  • By using different tools online, Twitter followers and Facebook fans are inflated, giving an even greater appearance of “success.” This is a valuable tool in giving validity to the artist.
  • New albums and merchandise are then pushed to said fans
  • Artists must be engaged on their Facebook and Twitter fan pages. Too many artists aren’t using this power. Fans crave interaction with the artist, and if an artist takes the time to do so, the psychology works in a way that the fans will become longer lasting and supportive of any project the artist pushes
  • A valuable resource in pushing interviews of the artist
  • Personally invite Facebook friends and family (through email/message) to support the cause. Ask them, through heartfelt contact, to share the music

There’s much more to social media marketing, but this is just a beginning.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is quickly growing in popularity. Collecting mobile numbers of fans allows you to text them of current events, new products and other pertinent information.

Email Marketing

Emails are valuable in maintaining access to fans/customers. Web forms will be available to continually collect emails. Powerful software is used in managing emails.

On a regular basis, those on email lists should be updated on current artist activities, products, etc…

Resources such as Facebook are valuable in that you might ask for a “like” or email submission, in order to receive access to exclusive content.

Brand Management

The brand of the artist is of utmost importance. Negative brand feedback is monitored and destroyed when needed through search engine and social media tools.

Community Engagement

There are countless tools for “grabbing” more fans, developing engagement and increasing product sales.

  • Message forums for fans to interact
  • The ability to “login” and register to the website gives fans the ability to post comments to blog posts, use the message forums, email lists and access to special content
  • Prize contests are hosted on the artist’s website and social media avenues

eCommerce Development

Fans become the customer. High level shopping cart systems will need to be established in order to easily allow fans to purchase merchandise (e.g. posters, tshirts, albums, etc..). iTunes is a potent avenue for selling merchandise.

There are social media programs developed specifically with music in mind, and are used to push eCommerce traffic and attention.

Monitoring feedback is crucial to said success.

Website Brand & Design

The website is a central hub for community involvement. The established brand of the artist will be developed and integrated into website design, and allow for an impressive experience for the end user.

Fans should come away from the website with an even deeper desire to listen to the artists music, share with friends, etc.

This goes back to artist involvement in the community, photos, videos, news, press releases and the ability to share.

Fan Club Management

Essentially, the website where users register for the ability to interact, is the base level fan club.

Eventually a paid-monthly fan club will exist for premium content, updates, VIP ticket packages and other benefits.

All intellectual data will be collected (e.g. emails, addresses) and stored for future use.

Search Engine Optimization

The depth of SEO reaches past the need to elaborate on this plan, but search engines feed on content. The more content produced at the artist’s website, the more that artist will begin to pop up in search engines. This is why there’s a need for daily blog posts, videos, etc…

There are various techniques for improving and using the full power of search engines.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process of marketing the product to affiliates, who receive a commission of product sales.

Vendors will have the ability to sell artist merchandise, and receive a portion of products.

Event Integration

Events will be scheduled and promoted through said, previous avenues of marketing. Event information will be available via Facebook fan pages and website.

Press Releases

There are tools available to blast press releases to thousands of news aggregators, producing a buzz of fans and media involvement.