Life is hard, but you can take action and engage in things to do when you’re sad at home and feeling lonely.

If you’re feeling sad, use some of the action items from the list below to try and get yourself out of the rut of sadness. Still not feeling well after trying something? Try again — there’s always hope!

  1. Smile, even when it’s hard.
  2. Send a letter to a friend.
  3. List things you’re grateful for in your life.
  4. Think about the highlights of your life.
  5. Go on a hike.
  6. Think about your most significant accomplishments.
  7. Eat your favorite food.
  8. Make a cake.
  9. Stretch.
  10. Water your houseplants.
  11. Go on a drive.
  12. Watch funny YouTube videos.
  13. Make a list of things you’re grateful for.
  14. Play a card game.
  15. Reorganize your home or personal space.
  16. Pray.
  17. Sing loudly.
  18. Play video games.
  19. Lay flat on the floor and relax your back.
  20. Paint.
  21. Send a text to a family member.
  22. Create a dream board.
  23. Call a friend.
  24. Listen to your favorite music.
  25. Play the piano or another instrument.
  26. Watch your favorite movie series.
  27. Meditate.
  28. Draw.
  29. Take a hot bath or shower.
  30. Keep your feet warm with socks or slippers.
  31. Cuddle up in a blanket.
  32. Drink coffee or tea.
  33. Submit an application to volunteer.
  34. Exercise.
  35. Listen to sad music to get the sad feeling out of your system.
  36. Read.
  37. Watch a funny movie.
  38. Eat fruits and vegetables.
  39. Read about a topic you aren’t familiar with on Wikipedia.
  40. List the best qualities in your favorite person or friend.
  41. Listen to calming ocean or rain sounds.
  42. Watch Netflix.
  43. Scream in your car.
  44. Listen to a comedy podcast.
  45. Watch Hulu.
  46. Treat yourself to something you’ve wanted for a long time.
  47. Read a book.
  48. Plan a vacation.
  49. Write positive quotes on a sticky note.
  50. Dance like nobody is watching.
  51. Watch Disney+.
  52. Write a poem.
  53. Work on a puzzle.
  54. Go out to eat.
  55. Invite a friend over to your house.
  56. Call your Mom.
  57. List the best qualities in your significant other.
  58. Call your Dad.
  59. Call a sibling.
  60. Go on a walk.

Remember, your feelings will pass, and you will come to a time of feeling happy again once more. Care for yourself, and take each day moment by moment — and look for things to do when you’re sad at home. Know that you are loved!