Bojan Djordjevic runs the successful blog, Alpha Efficiency, and actively produces great new content each week. Bojan brings a unique taste to everything he writes, with the intention of teaching how to accomplish more while working less.

How do you fill a typical day?

My days start of with my strict rituals, where I take care of my morning needs. Brush my teeth, do my workout, drink protein shakes, take a shower and than I sit at my laptop and start writing something useful. Making writing as a part of my routine is critical in the blogging success I achieved so far. I believe it will get me even further.

In what ways can individuals become more productive?

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” –Aristotle

Habits are what got me into productive mode. Making those hard to start things easy as walking, is something that can make or break you. But people should really look into what’s really important to them. They can’t say they want to be productive and achieve more, if the first thing they do after coming home from work is plugging into television advertisements.

One of most critical ingredients of being successful in any field is to focus on core tasks that are delivering the most value. For all blogging readers out there, I can tell you our focus, it’s our writing! Making great content is your top priority! Especially if you really want to make living out of it. Treat it as your job, because one day it might be exactly that.

When did you first become interested in blogging?

The first time I started blogging was in 2006. I remember my first free blog account on a local blogging provider. I was leading it anonymously and I was telling the story of my wild love life that I had at that time. It was quite personal, but it made me connect with many other like minded people. I also met a girl from another country and had an interesting adventure back in 2008.

It was a Serbian blog but it was still an amazing experience communicating with other people on a deeper level, even though they didn’t know a thing about me. They knew me way better than some people in real life, because of anonymity that made me completely push out with my true emotions, without holding back. I had quite a controversial view of the world back than, so anonymity was huge for me.

How have you improved your blogging style?

I am trying to connect and match my energy with my readers and deliver them the best possible reading experience that I can.

My blogging style evolved over years. I believe everything started around 10 years ago when I started writing my diary. Writing is something pretty natural to me, except for the English, which isn’t my native language. My blogging style improved along with my English. I learned how to convey my personality behind my words and writing. I believe anyone who reads this interview will feel like he knows me already.

I am trying to connect and match my energy with my readers and deliver them the best possible reading experience that I can. Increasing Workplace Productivity is my first serious blogging project, but I believe it’s not the last and ultimate one. I am looking forward to new challenges and new ways of reaching out and helping people become better in many areas of their lives.

What advice would you give to the beginning blogger?

Hang out with other people on already established blogs and try to reach out to as many people as possible. Networking is the king.

My advice to new bloggers is to focus on consistently delivering value to their readers. I know I am boring with this one, but habit is king. If you are writing every day, you will only get better and better. As with muscles, if you workout every day, you are becoming stronger and stronger, same goes for everything. Consistency in your habits will lead you a long way.

Another way to become a great blogger is successfully following other bloggers. That’s how my article got featured on Smart Passive Income. I was a regular commenter there, and Pat accidentally noticed me. I wasn’t comenting in order to get noticed, as I enjoyed being a member of his great community, where I met a lot of like minded people. Same should go for you. Hang out with other people on already established blogs and try to reach out to as many people as possible. Networking is the king.

Also I found that reading blog posts and leaving blog comments is great source of inspiration. That’s how I wrote some of my great guest posts such as : Great Tips to Become Productive Blogger, at Daniel Sharkov. As you can see, there is an avalanche of comments. I know I gave my heart in that post, but it’s rewarding that it moved a lot of people and hopefully helped someone who is dedicated on writing great content from personal perspective.

Be persistent, guest post a lot and it will pay off. I don’t believe anyone can just sit down and start a successful blog; it requires the right personality traits and it must “click” with readers.