The simple fact goes like this. Blogging is virtual.

I wish with my whole heart there was some way to interact in a non-virtual way. It would be fantastic to give each one of you a warm handshake, a friendly hug or smile. How incredible, if I could meet with you for dinner. Share a meal, talk about life, blogging or whatever our hearts may desire.

…yet arduously we are confined to a few paragraphs of text.

Bloggers Inspire Me

Within a few moments of searching blogs online I can be whisked away to Paris on a magical trip. Almost like I’m there. Letting the blogger take me to his/her favorite dining experiences, sights and destinations.

The next stop may be a blogger who shares the latest news in technology. Food. Gossip. Their thoughts often bring me a smile.

It’s always a pleasure to roam the blogosphere for new content, and find those bloggers who make blogging something more. Who reach out with their whole souls, and do their best to change the lives of their readers for the better. Those bloggers who do their very best, in everything. Bloggers who make blogging something tangible.

How Do You Become A Tangible Blogger?

This thought plagues my mind on a constant basis.

  • How does one go about becoming tangible?
  • How do you grab readers with your message?
  • How do you produce change?

I’ve heard the answer before.

The answer comes from many bloggers. In different ways. In unique formats.

Be genuine.

Write your blog in a way that you connect with your readers. Reach deep into your own soul, and produce something that triggers the emotional heartstrings of those you connect with. Pose thought provoking thoughts. Share your genuine feelings regarding matters. When striving to become more genuine you will find that you are always rewarded. Your readers will see, and more importantly, feel that inner desire.

We Are A Genuine People

A genuine man goes to the roots. To be a radical is no more than that: to go to the roots. -Jose Marti

When something is of value we say it’s genuine. Genuine leather. A genuine Picasso. Genuine love.

To the blogging world I saycontinue being genuine! Reach to be a better blogger. Be a bit more tangible. Leave everything on the table (or a blog in this case) and let your readers know what you stand for, live for and feel.

Are you a virtual or tangible blogger?