As a successful blogger and internet marketing talent, John shares with us some of his insights regarding the industry.

When did you first start blogging?

I started blogging around the end of 2009. I spent about 2-3 months just reading blogs and learning, as I put together my blog. So I’d say actually “blogging” would be around late 2009 to 2010.

What’s helped most in bringing success to your blog?

There have been so many things that have helped my blog get to where it’s at right now. I would first say, working my blog hard each day. Once you have a blog, there is ALWAYS something you can be working on.

  • tweaking design
  • writing posts
  • connecting with your readers
  • promoting your posts and blog everywhere

Second would be Social Media, and mainly Twitter. The time I have spent there has brought a lot of traffic to my blog and also helped me get my name and blog out there.

What makes you smile?

Man so many things make me smile. As far as online – when I get a great idea for a post and I can get what’s in my head onto paper, always makes me smile. Also seeing a post I put good work into do well with comments and RT’s and Shares is nice too.

Offline, spending time with my nephews is awesome. From the 12 yr old to the 2 yr old, they always bring some good times.

Also I’m a VERY amateur photographer so when I get a great shot it feels good. Also I scuba dive and every time I get in I have to laugh, since my biggest fear is to drown. Yet I scuba. Lol. It’s Awesome.

How can bloggers become better writers?

The better they trust you, the better they feel they know you, the faster your blog will grow.

The best way for bloggers to become better writer’s is to write a lot. The more you write the better your writing will get.

You also want to have experience in what you are writing about. The more you know about what your are writing about, the better your writing will be. You want to bring your personality to your writing. Good content comes from knowing what your saying is true, sharing your personal experience and throw in your personality.

That way people will trust what you say, and will feel like they know you through your writing.

The better they trust you, the better they feel they know you, the faster your blog will grow.

How do you typically fill a day?

My day starts with scanning my email for anything that needs my attention right away. Then I get my online day set up: planning my social sites time, what to share etc.

Lately I been spending more time on a new site project and new update to my Twitter Dummy Guide.

So working on the content and design for all that keeps me busy. I’ll also throw in some blog time – writing a new post, or design tweaks, which seems to be all the time! I’ll pull away for a few hours each day, just to get off the comp a lil.

But mostly I work whenever I have time. Even if I’m relaxing watching TV I’ll get an idea…and jump up…and I’m online for 4 hrs. I don’t recommend it, but it works for me. 

Why do people fail when trying to make money online?

There are sooo many reasons people fail. But I think the main reason, is they come with too many expectations. Once that expectation isn’t met, they quit. Making money online isn’t hard, but doing all the little things everyday take time and effort.

Another reason, which was a mistake I made in the beginning, was doing too much at once. I had like four projects going at once, which was crazy. No way you can have success when you are split too many ways.

Focusing on one thing at a time is the best way to succeed. Also have some patience, the money won’t come right away, but if you stay with it and work it hard the money will come.