A housewife and Gyaru lifestyle expert, Chaudalyn (please call her Chaudie) shows you how to attain celebrity status through her personal experiences and thoughts.

I’ve known Chaudie for quite a few months now, and have always appreciated her support, enthusiasm and passion for blogging & Gyaru.

What are some of your passions?

First, I believe that every woman, no matter your background, should always look your best.

I just don’t see that in the areas that I frequent. I feel that if I can provide the proper example of how to hold oneself, others will follow. Like how Superman does good deeds in hope to inspire others to do good. He pulls people from unimaginable situations, I blog.

I use my thoughts, words, and paparazzi-like tendencies to expose the mundane and introduce a  way to make it pretty.

Why do you enjoy blogging?

Doing my ‘scenester’ days, I was having a problem expressing myself without getting into fights and damaging things/people. Then I came across MySpace, and realized I can post a ‘blog’ about my feelings for everyone to see, and not care anymore. It was like I was able to physically remove the emotion from me, and not have to worry about it festering anymore. Of course I’m a bit more mature now and censor myself… sometimes.

Now, I see blogging as an art form.

It can look however you want, say what you want, be what you want. I find this method better. because, your audience can understand it more than a paintbrush being put to canvas.

How do you find news ideas for your blog?

I follow a lot of RSS feeds and Google alerts.

I right now follow about 200+ blogs, forums, and retail sites. Sometimes I get ideas from what is happening around me. Sometimes I solve a problem, and inform my readers of the solution. But, for the more time sensitive items, I go straight to twitter. It’s the first thing I do when I wake in the morning, and the last thing I do at night.

Heck sometimes I wake in the middle of the night and glance over my RSS feeds while helping my husband get ready for work!

What can a blogger do to be better?

From my experiences, it depends on what kind of blogger you are.

If you’re a personal blogger, like myself, I suggest you blog more often if you have a high readership.

I have a couple of friends that only blog once or twice in a month if even that. I honestly feel like its not enough for me as the reader. Your readers want to know more about you and see what your doing, whether you’ve gotten into a fight with your boyfriend, bought a new lipstick, or even have a flu.

If you’re more of a business blogger, please clean up your spam.

I hate going onto a tech site (where most of the new, relevant info is in the comments) that has the same kind of spam I deal with on a daily basis.

Where’s your favorite place in the world?

So far, its my bed.

I got this new king size bed from ikea and it has enough room for my entire family (myself, hubby, and two kids) to sleep comfortably.  I’m planning on making my bedroom my special place with my computer and other blogging stuff.

What’s your favorite part of blogging?

I like how you can say you have a blog and others can me impressed by that.

A lot of people in my area don’t have blogs. Or they don’t have enough interest in one. I can very proudly say that you can google my alias and find me.