Amy Parmenter is an award-winning journalist, blogger, author, speaker and business consultant. Her blog, the, is about ‘growing’ – personally and professionally. She tells stories that get attention, and helps businesses do the same. And, with her ‘Give-a-Listen’ interview series, it is Amy’s intention to ‘raise’ the media bar to include social responsibility.

Who do you look up to?

I look up to a lot of people, for different reasons.  Courage, confidence, ambition, knowledge, wisdom (different than knowledge), balance, patience, acceptance.

That’s why I’m a reporter.  I love to talk to people and find out what they know that I don’t know, what they think that I may never have considered.  Who they love.  What they feel.

I don’t really look up to anyone simply because they are rich or attractive – both money and beauty may be fleeting – but a strong spirit is not easily broken.

If I had to name one person it would probably be Michelle Obama.  It’s not a political statement.  I just love the way she balances strong and feminine, leading and following, mother, wife and woman.

In what ways do you build traffic to your blog?

My blog is very much a work in progress as, I believe, most blogs are.  That said, I think most of the traffic to The ParmFarm will grow over time as a result of my ‘Give-a-Listen’ interview series.

‘Give-a-Listen’ is a unique business model that will be dramatically expanding over the next few months with a new site design, video and some really fabulous guests.  Each of the interviews is a fundraiser for the guests non-profit of choice.  The more traffic the interview gets, the more money raised, so each guest and their named non-profit will be highly motivated to drive traffic to the site.

Beyond ‘Give-a-Listen’, my ebook is free for all new subscribers, I do a lot of public speaking and I also promote the blog through guest posts (Copyblogger, Problogger, HuffingtonPost, etc.)

What are some of your passions?

I love to learn new things.

That’s really the motivation behind my work as a reporter and my blog.

I would like to know everything there is to know about people, places and things – and then share what I have learned with anyone else who has a similar interest.  To be able to do this – and raise money for non-profits at the same time – would satisfy much more than just my curiousity.

Why do you enjoy blogging?

Before I became a reporter, I was an entrepreneur.  Blogging affords me the opportunity to share information, tell stories, build a business, meet new people and make new friends all at once.

How can social media be used in a more powerful way?

I’m really sold on the idea of using social media as a spotlight.

I can only speak for the ParmFarm and my intention to use it in a way that brightens our world.

What can a blogger do to be better?

If you are asking me that question as a journalist, there are times when we are limited to 45 seconds or a minute-thirty to tell a news story.  Often there are facts of interest that really need to be shared but just don’t work in the given timeframe.

Blogging allows journalists to go beyond the headlines.

How do you find happiness?

Good health.

That’s it.

As long as I am healthy and the people I love are healthy, everything else is just gravy.