One day I was finishing up a four day trip to Disneyland with my family. As the evening drew to a close, while leaving the California Adventure Park adjacent to Disneyland, my brothers decided to go on one last ride.

Grizzly Rapids.

As they ran off into the distance I thought to myself, “Hell no. It’s freezing outside, and I don’t want to be wet on the 6 hour drive home.”

I kept walking along. The gap between my three younger brothers and me grew wider. They were galloping. Giggling. Laughing.

And then…

“What the hell!?” I thought to myself. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me to catch up with the riotous bunch.

What ensued was a hilarious escapade as we quickly became soaked on the ride, but all while smiling.

I Choose Energy

So why did I decide to tell you this little fable of Disneyland, and wet Disneyland rides?

It’s simple really.

I chose energy.

I wanted to illustrate clearly the choice we face each and every day. Do we choose lethargy, death, silence, laziness, or stagnancy? Or do we choose energy?

When I was watching my brothers run off to attend the river rapids ride, I was on the precipice of choosing between energy and its antagonist. Was I going to just continue on my lonesome, or would I choose energy, get wet, have fun, suffer a little, and be rewarded?

Fortunately, I chose the latter.

Energy Is the Key to Life

It’s my goal to be bold, beautiful, and honest.

That’s why I’ve come out and given you the purpose of this piece of writing right from the beginning.

Energy is the secret to life.

This is why you’re reading, this is why I’m writing, and this is what you’ll learn from.

Energy is the secret to life.

I’ve been toying with this hypothesis for quite some time now, and just now am I beginning to understand its potential. I myself am not an expert on energy, and nor will I ever be, as I hope to always be its student.

Why Is Energy The Secret?

The universe is built of energy.

So why wouldn’t it be the key to life?

I remember sitting on a warm, sunny beach on the coast of California one day when I first realized energy was the secret to life. I was sitting in a sun chair, pen in one hand, and a spiral notebook on my lap. A common occurrence in my ponderous life and mind. I wrote down all I was seeing. People were playing, swimming, tanning, laughing, crying, smiling, arguing; and many more emotions. It didn’t end there. Even the animals, especially the dolphins jumping out of the ocean, were showing signs of being energized.

It occurred to me then that humans around the globe congregate on sunny beaches to simply do one thing. Enjoy the sun. Its rays. Its light. Its energy.

Whether you’re a blonde California boy or bronzed Italian stallion, the beach is that special meeting place where life is felt with vibrant energy.

All vegetation on earth grows due to the energy of the sun.

The pencil you hold in your hand is a moving mass of energy.

The paycheck you bring home is a simple trade for the energy you’ve put into your work.

You go to concerts in the hope of coming out feeling energized and jazzed about life. You want to feel that adrenaline. You want to feel the energy in bountiful doses.

You’re reading because you probably lack energy in your life. You want to know where to find it. How to get it. How to hold it.

Let me tell you how I’ve used energy in my own life, to illustrate further its principles.

Where Do You Find Energy?

You might be wondering where to find energy?

The answer, is that it’s all around us.

I mentioned it before. The world is filled with energy. The world is energy. You are energy. Your feet are energy. The air is energy.

Energy is in laying in the sun.

Energy is in meditation.

Energy is in dedicating your life to your passion.

Energy is found in music. Even while writing this I’m continually fired up and excited for what’s next while listening to some of my favorite artists. I feel their passion. I’m touched by their energy.

Energy is in caring about something. Even if that “some thing” isn’t liked by others, or the opinion of all. Pursue what you believe, and energy will be your constant companion.


Believe in energy.

And why? Because it’s everywhere.

Onward, Upward…and into Endless Energy

Using energy in our own lives to accomplish our goals, dreams and pursuits is a work in progress. Just as the sun grows in intensity in the morning, and wanes at night, so too does my working knowledge of energy.

It’s certainly my simple, humble promise however, that if you seek to apply energy to your life, you’ll receive all you need. This doesn’t mean you won’t have struggles, hardships, and difficulty along the journey, but it does mean that if energy is consistently applied, a new sunrise is always going to be the view of your next horizon.

Your life won’t have a choice but to rise with glory each and every day.

The next time you’re afraid, why not choose energy? It’s boundless. It overcomes.

Is there a book you’ve wanted to write for quite some time? The simple fact is that it’s not going to write itself. You’re going to have to dedicate some energy to its creation.

Always wanted to dance with fluidity and grace? Call up that instructor you’ve been meaning to make contact with, and don’t look back.

Energy is the answer, but its perfect use is the experiment.

I can’t tell you how to use energy in your life exactly, because it’s a very personal experience. We all have incredible energy within, but where we apply it is the choice. A very, very personal choice.

I live my life now as if all my dreams have already come true. Anything can happen. I live in a world between reality and fantasy. Between darkness and light. The middle of sleep and wake.

Live your dreams.